Magistratsabteilung für Angstgrabungen, since 2018Die MAAG: eine parawissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Stadt Wien. Ein partizipatives und performatives Kunstprojekt in Kollaboration mit Florian Drexler, Patrick Trotter und Lorenz Zenleser.
Every couple of weeks, the MAAG invites citizens of Vienna to meet at a different urban place to dig holes. This can be a big, collective hole as well as many individual holes. The aim of the project is to search for chunks of fear to make Vienna a fear-free city that is aware of its fears and finds a healthy way to deal with them. Repression leads to social as well as personal conflicts. Awareness through extrication. Confronting fear with courage and joy. Reappropriation of Urban Space.

Photo credits: Patrick Trotter
Video: Lorenz Zenleser